Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Controlled Aggression

Some days one finds a numbness in the mind, a sort of comfort feeling that brings down your drive to excel, brings down the passion to carry forward, brings down the aggression to fight and achieve, rather you find the mind settling into a druggy sluggishness. In fact this sensation in the mind gets heightened with romantic songs or a touchy sensation driven by an affectionate feeling towards a person, family or a even a mushy movie. 

Its a sort of a tipsy feeling that our mind definitely likes and lulls itself into that state. But such a state actually acts as a hurdle into the aggression that is required to propel ourselves in our career. In fact today has been such a day for myself, but I cannot fathom the reason that propelled my mind into this stupour. 

All the same once I get my mind active into a groove, to find and understand myself, the tipsy feeling clears off or rather wears off. I kind of have stumbled upon this fact that to come out of this state all it takes for me is to get into a quest for solving problems that have been looming in front of me or to take up something that I've been trying learn and grasp. Once an understanding of the problem and its solution dawns upon me, it kinda kicks off a train of thoughts in rapid pace and I get back that aggression that propels me back from the inertia of mind. I feel rejuvenated and charged up passionate to do more. At that moment I feel everything can be conquered!

But I find that if all we had was just the aggression, our mind would soon wear off and probably this inertia kinda rests the mind and rejuvenates it back. The tricky part is not to wallow in this stupour for long but to get back into the groove. The more one is able to control the mind back and forth between the calm and the aggression, the more you progress. I find this a sort of  controlled aggression, one that helps me propel forward and doesn't burn me out.

The stupour of the mind caused by the sensitivity is what helps me appreciate the nuances of life, the art, enjoy the affection that is showered upon me, the affection that I long for. True it does bring down my drive to some extent, makes me softer and not hard for the tough world around me, makes me a little complacent to a certain extent, but it does make me more of a balanced human.

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