Thursday, April 2, 2009

Decision Graph

I've heard about people who are of an exceptional IQ but fail to succeed and rather come across such folks as well. I've seen them at work, at school and bumped into such guys. You have a feeling that this guy/gal ought not to be here, you feel he/she doesn't belong in this group. And you have come across this other folks, folks who seem so mundane, yet they keep climbing up the ladder and are in enviable positions. Well we attribute this to that guy's luck (I've done that as well) or we claim he lick's the boss's ass. Maybe those are reasons as well, but I do feel that I am being biased or rather unappreciative of some factor or attribute characteristic of that guy that has made him prosperous. After all we do most of the time see only one side of the coin always. Well I'll talk about the way we see things in another post. 

So what if these "successful" people did possess some ability the others who should've been successful didn't posses!? I strongly believe that we are what we are only because of ourselves and no one else to blame. What I'm trying to convey is that we are soley responsible for where we stand only we stand to be blamed for it, be it good or be it bad. 

Our lives totally revolve around decision making. We make decisions right from the time we wake up , to decide whether to wake up on the first alarm or to wake up after a snooze or to sleep for an hour more. All the time we are deciding. We decide on what breakfast to have, on what excuse to present to the boss for the delay, we decide on what movie to watch, how to study, how much time to study, how to approach a problem, how to design a solution and all of that leads to different outcomes and would've lead to different outcomes had an alternate course been taken. Our life rather would rather look like a lot of "if" "else if" "else" conditions. True sometimes life does present us with alternate paths because the option we have chose doesn't seem to work out. I'll come to that a little later. But what I am trying to say, is the whole life travels in sort of  a decision path that we take. 

And our decisions are affected in large by our emotional state and vigilance and influence from others as well. You could very well blame someone else for your decision claiming you got influecned, but being influenced in itself is our own fault/decision again. So if in our emotional status we failed to notice an opportunity or if we take up an opportunity by being vigilant we either become unsuccessful (read unlucky) or successful (lucky). 

This emotional state of being vigilant is probably a key difference in being succesful. Probably this is what is one aspect of being emotionally intelligent!. What I call vigilance is just being aware of the environment around you, or being aware of what the world is seeking and being vigilant in this aspect probably makes you look for a way out of a situation/problem and hey you become a hero, though you didn't really contribute to the solution, the fact that you reacted to the situation and acted as a liasion to provide a solution is what matters in a lot of situations.

So in effect I probably am lead to believe and now do believe that we are what we are based on the decision graph that we make and the decision path that we travel on. 

This interesting viewpoint gives me an interesting state of mind, where I do manage not to blame those around me. Gives a better feeling of self and rather makes think of taking non-emotional decisions. Lets see where it takes me ahead...

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